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On Miyazaki

Recently I’ve been watching a lot of Studio Ghibli/Miyazaki films (for those not familiar with Hayao Miyazaki, he’s an acclaimed Japanese animation filmmaker, check him out here: ). Before this October I had only seen 2.5 of his films, Spirited Away , Howl’s Moving Castle , and part of Kiki’s Delivery Service . I’d seen Spirited Away because it was one of my favorite babysitter’s favorite movie, and so as kids we’d grown to like it. I’d seen the other two in middle school on days when our art teacher didn’t feel like having to deal with middle schoolers. And though I’d really liked all of them, I’d never really thought about how many other films Miyazaki had made. Then, in October, I watched Porco Rosso at someone’s house. I hadn’t even heard of this movie and so I wanted to look more into what films he’d made. I rewatched Spirited Away and watched Castle in the Sky at another friend’s house. She has all the movies and told me I should ...

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